Illustrative example of my research: Effects of electroporation on tumor growth
Quantify the effects of electroporation considering the pulses intensity using the radius (or volume) evolutions of 83 spheroids (cell strain: HCT 116) over 250 h (IPBS, Toulouse).
Design a PDE system describing the evolution of tumor spheroids submitted to pulses of very high voltage and short duration.
Data assimilation
Design of a Luenberger observer ;
Prove that the solution of the error system converges exponentially to zero ;
Couple it with a classical reduced-order Unscented Kalman Filter to correct the parameters (but insufficient results due to practical non-identifiability) ;
Couple it instead with a new population Kalman filter.
Application to real data
Good insight into the impact of electroporation on tumor growth
Efficacy of completely irreversible electroporation observed in spheroids group exposed to 2000 V/cm
Strong impact of the non-homogeneity of the electric field (shadow zone between reversible or irreversible electroporation)
In some spheroids: growth boost after electroporation!
Corresponding articles
A. Collin. Population-based estimation for PDE system - Applications in electroporation of tumor spheroids. ESAIM: COCV, 2024.
A. Collin, H. Bruhier, J. Kolosnjaj, M. Golzio, M.-P. Rols, C. Poignard. Spatial mechanistic modeling for prediction of 3D multicellular spheroids behavior upon exposure to high intensity pulsed electric fields. AIMS Bioengineering, 2022.
A. Collin, M. Prague, P. Moireau. Estimation for dynamical systems using a population-based Kalman filter-Applications in computational biology. MathematicS In Action, 2022.